Environmental score facilitates farm management - Produzindo Certo
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Environmental score facilitates farm management

A system of score for the social and environmental diagnosis of properties monitored by Produzindo Certo increases transparency

The Produzindo Certo platform has more than 1,500 registered rural properties, totaling more than 5 million hectares monitored. However, not all of them are at the same stage of conformity to the social and environmental standards suggested by the company or required by their product’s buyers. Based on evaluations made by Produzindo Certo, it is possible to know how far along each farm is on their journey to an optimal status. To this end, the platform has developed a sort of average score—ranging from zero to 100—that is included in the property’s diagnostic reports. The closer they are to the maximum score, the better their performance in the three aspects evaluated: productive, environmental and social. 

Called Score Socioambiental (Social and Environmental Score), the score is one of the features made available on Produzindo Certo’s new digital platform. The calculation is done by the digital system itself, after the inclusion of each monitored indicator’s performance. 

The extent of the information evaluated remains the same, as does the detailed presentation of the results for each of the more than 70 indicators monitored. The score is an additional element to demonstrate the performance of each property, facilitating information interpretation and analysis by producers and client companies.

The score is updated at each new evaluation and contains simplified language for a better understanding of the overall compliance level of the farm. It can also help maintain producer engagement and motivation on their journey to improving their performance.

Companies also receive complementary information and can more easily evaluate their entire supply chain, including comparing performance, identifying bottlenecks, and determining progress. A dashboard also provides an overview of the main results.

The greater connectivity of the new digital platform also enables more dynamic updating of information and better monitoring via remote sensing. As producers make adjustments and evolve in their social and environmental management, verified by Produzindo Certo technicians, their score will be updated in a more agile way, without the need to wait for annual evaluations. This also increases the proximity between the farmers and the technical team, with more frequent contact and constant exchange of information.  

The Social and Environmental Score is among the new features of the new Produzindo Certo platform, launched last July, to offer greater data transparency and remote monitoring with real-time information for registered producers and companies. It is available in two of the three products in the portfolio: Management and Value Chain.

It should be noted that the evaluation of the social and environmental performance of the properties included in the Produzindo Certo platform is based on evidence found during field visits to the properties, document analysis, photographic records, information obtained via interviews with employees and those responsible for the properties, and remote sensing.

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