Management on par with the market - Produzindo Certo
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Management on par with the market

Produzindo Certo provides guidance for the advancement of social and environmental practices on rural properties and supply chain management. 

Produzindo Certo provides guidance for the advancement of social and environmental practices on rural properties and supply chain management.

Produzindo Certo’s portfolio was designed to meet the varied needs of companies and rural producers. The proposition of Produzindo Certo Gestão (Produzindo Certo Management) is to actively engage in the transformation of social and environmental practices in the fields. In addition to social and environmental assessments and monitoring risk factors, it provides specialized technical support to farmers and ranchers, assistance in obtaining certifications recognized in the market, and ongoing presence in the fields. It also monitors, alongside producers, the progress achieved.

“Gestão fulfills our commitment to contribute to the transformation of agribusiness. We help producers understand points of improvement on their properties and what they need to do to advance their social and environmental performance. In many cases, all they need are simple measures that they were unaware of or did not have clear guidance on how to put in place,” explains Aline Locks, CEO of Produzindo Certo.

This work is possible thanks to the knowledge of day-to-day life in the fields, which has existed since its creation. NGO Aliança da Terra, which gave rise to Produzindo Certo, has its roots in agriculture. It was founded by rural producers who understood the need to seek the knowledge and joint solutions necessary to implement best practices with respect for people and the environment. This understanding made it possible to build trusting relationships with farmers and ranchers. Continuous monitoring ensures that progress is parameterized and verified.

“Everything is done in a way that respects producers, who are committed to continuous advancement and agree to the monitoring of their progress. As a benefit, in addition to technical support, they are able to seek certification, access new markets, and align their work with business trends,” adds Charton Locks, Director of Operations at Produzindo Certo. 

For companies, the diagnosis and continuous presence of Produzindo Certo technicians in the fields, guiding improvements and collecting information on their progress, facilitate their work in managing the value chain and increasing transparency. They also help them meet their obligations and achieve their goals with proper sourcing and inspection of their production. Through the diagnosis, it is possible to assess information such as changes in land use, recovery of areas with native vegetation, protection of water resources, proper waste disposal, the health and safety of rural workers, and more.

Global agribusiness traders, such as ADM and Unilever, use Produzindo Certo’s inspection and monitoring program in their soy production chains in Brazil, and Grupo Pão de Açúcar receives support in inspecting meat producers, for example. The tool can be adapted to different farm profiles, large or small, and can be applied to a large number of properties simultaneously and to different agribusiness crops, whether it is grains or animal production. 

Gestão also provides access to Produzindo Certo’s new digital platform. Through remote sensing, the tool monitors critical aspects such as illegal deforestation, areas overlapping with Indigenous lands or conservation units, embargoes, and the status of the Rural Environmental Registry (CAR), among others. The platform also offers a dashboard containing the main data monitored and can be accessed with login and password. This database of production, social, and environmental indicators helps companies understand and map points of risk in their production chain, thereby offering essential information for proper management.

This product is available in two versions: With the Standard version, services include a complete social and environmental diagnosis and access to the web dashboard; technical visit to the property to collect information; identification of social and environmental liabilities and assets; implementation of an action plan for adjustments; and the possibility of conducting benchmarking studies with various national and international social and environmental certification standards. The Plus version, in addition to all these services, includes preparation for obtaining certification and regular visits to the properties to monitor their progress.

Click here to learn more about Produzindo Certo Gestão.

 Other Produzindo Certo products are Consulta (Consultation) and Cadeia de Valor (Value Chain)