Automatic alerts in the event of critical occurrences in supply chains will help companies with risk management

Quality and agility in obtaining information are critical components to support companies’ decision making in their relationship with their supply chains. This becomes even more relevant in agribusiness, where these processes involve a large number of producers of various sizes that are geographically far apart and under increasing demand from consumers, and the market in general, for more transparency in the meat and grain production chains.
The new Produzindo Certo Platform was designed to offer the right solution to these customers’ needs and also to assist producers in proving that they are staying true to their social and environmental commitments. Technology is making this possible by creating automatic alerts of occurrences on any of the properties monitored. And it helps save time for those whose entire operations are up to code and can thus quickly prove this status.
The platform’s connectivity with information sources from inspection agencies and other monitoring organizations will generate alerts in critical areas of rural production, such as the detection of illegal deforestation, embargoes of areas, possible overlapping with Indigenous lands and conservation units, inclusion in the blacklists for slave-like labor, and their CAR (Rural Environmental Registry) status. The tool is in the implementation phase.
All information is also verified by Produzindo Certo’s technical team to ensure its accuracy. Among the information databases connected to the platform are the Prodes system, from INPE (National Institute of Space Research), and MapBiomasAlerta, for monitoring illegal deforestation; IBAMA (Brazilian Institute of the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources) for environmental embargoes; and the blacklist of slave-like labor from the Department of Labor, an agency of the federal government. Conflicts with Indigenous lands and conservation units are identified by comparing the limits of properties with maps provided by FUNAI (National Indigenous Foundation) and ICMBio (Chico Mendes Institute for the Conservation of Biodiversity), respectively.
This makes it easier for company managers to monitor their supply chain on a daily basis. It also has advantages for rural producers, who have a tool that verifies and monitors these critical factors, offering greater transparency to their customers and even opening new markets for their production.
Alerts are present in the three products in the portfolio, Consultation (Plus version), and Value Chain.